Monday, August 17, 2009

Hey, is your chair a bit warm?

I hate to see people lose their jobs, but these coaches are in desperate need of a breakout season. I'll even let you in on my thought about their future.

Charlie Weis, Notre Dame
Oh how I love to see the Irish fail. Which is true for alot of non-Irish fans-you either love them, or want to see them fail miserably. Anyways, Weis has a winning percentage that is lower than what both Bob Davie and Ty Willingham had at this point in their tenure. Willingham and Davie were both gone before their 5th year was over. Weis has 7 years left on a 10 year contract that should pay around $4mil a year. With a cake schedule and 18 starters back, the Irish should have a decent year. Projection? Weis saves his job for another year.

Steve Kragthorpe, Louisville
As a West Virginia fan, I am LOVING the situation at UL. 11-13 in 2 seasons isn't quite what AD Jurich had in mind when he gave ol' Stevie a fat contract. Petrino was 41-9 with the program that Kragthorpe took the reins of. Outstanding QB Brian Brohm's senior season was AWESOME (to me) at 6-6. Last year, the Cardinal's weren't even bowl eligible at 5-7, losing 5 of the last 7, including of course that God awful 63-14 loss against Rutgers. Jurich is a positive thinker though, insisting that Kragthorpe isn't on the hot seat. Fans aren't as optimistic, and who would be with road game at Kentucky, Utah, West Virginia, Cincinnati, and South Florida. My thoughts... Steve Kragthorpe is either unemployed, or on a VERY hot seat after this season.

Steve Spurrier, South Carolina
Let me make this clear: I don't think the Gamecocks will fire Spurrier if he doesn't do well this year. More than likely, the ol' ball coach will probably hang up the whistle if things don't get better. I'm sure SC is happy to have him if he's still willing (and bowl eligible), but the guy's getting old (not JoePa or Bobby Bowden old, but he's geting up there). No thoughts to end this one, I already gave them.

Rich Rodriguez, Michigan
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, LMFAO- Sorry, had to ROFL for a second there. Patience was the thought of most fans after the Big Blue's loss to Toledo last year. After the clock hit triple zeroes at the last game of the year, the thought probably shifted to anger, hatred, maybe even lynching. RichRod's first year at Michigan was the worst season the school has ever seen. They did beat Wisconsin (somehow), ranked number 9 at the time. But their other 2 wins were at home against Miami (of Ohio.....) and at Minnesota.
I'll give some slack (why, because I have to be unbiased as a writer....) to him. Going from Michigan's tradition of power football to his form of the spread in 8 months isn't easy. This is really the first year that we'll see a full class of RR's recruits, so maybe things have turned around for Michigan. Maybe.
My thoughts on the deal in Ann Arbor: Michigan fans aren't going to put up with another year of sub-par football. I think the Wolverines have to make a bowl to save Rich Rod's job.

2 weeks and 4 days till kickoff (September 3rd, 7:00PM NC State and South Carolina).

Keep your shoulders low and your legs driving, fans.


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